Our Parter Path
The 4 Step Process Explained
After working with small business owners in diverse stages and industries, we have perfected the 4 Steps that entrepreneurs need to have a solid foundation for growth. We’ll start with the basic during Assessment, fleshing out your mission, how you’re different from others and the key things that drive your company’s efficiency. Once we have a solid idea of who you are, we’ll represent it making a visual brand during Brand Clarity. Then we’ll apply those brand visuals in the Application stage to all places customers interact with you; digital and physical. Those first three steps set us up for success in the last one: Expansion. We create a growth strategy and start doing some testing to see what is effective. We do more of what works and less of what doesn’t until you find the sweet spot of the perfect method for you.
Theoretically, some people could fly through the 4 Step Process like a checklist of things they’ve already done and some would need to pause and address every step thoroughly. Most fall somewhere in between those two (somewhat unrealistic) extremes. The most likely story of your business is that some things are working and some are not. So depending on how many things we address, the 4 Step Process takes different amounts of time for everyone. Our typical lifecycle of a client is 6 months. The package you choose and amount of meetings included in it affect the timeline.
During onboarding your project will be assigned to your personal Project Lead. This is your main point of contact for the duration of your partnership with Ivory. They will meet with you 2, 3 or 4 times a month to take you through the 4 Step Process. Your Project Lead, or PL, will become like an extension of your business’s team.
Our partnership is not a transaction; it’s a relationship. Your Project Lead will do the leg work beside you and learn and research with you to become an expert in your specific needs.
This is what makes us really different. Every time an in-depth need (like a website design or blog writing) arises your PL will write up a Project Pathways Proposal so you have options to choose from. This allows you to decided your level of involvement and the price you’ll pay for big tasks.
The first option is typically a “DIY Option.” We will provide a bundle of resources (like software we recommend and online tutorials) so that you can accomplish the task by yourself. Then we’ll check your work during our next meeting. This costs you the most time, but saves you the most money. The second option is that you and your PL do the task together during your meetings. We have to pause the 4 Step Process, but your spending time and money that you’ve already set aside to work with us on improving your business. Lastly, there is a “Done For You” option, where we complete the task between meetings and YOU check OUR work. This costs you the most money and saves you the most time. You decide at every turn!
Our Important Recommendations
We are really fighting for the little guy here.
That’s why we really don’t recommend signing up to partner with Ivory if:
Your total base investment for a 6 month contract is more than 25% of your business savings (or 25% of the total you’ve decided to invest in your concept).
You have debt that exceeds the amount you are planning to invest.
You use credit cards to keep up with business expenses or you are unwilling to disclose the reality of your situation
You don’t feel comfortable with people asking you detailed questions about the way you do things and making suggestions about changes.